Learn English – what is the name for red hot firewood


I'm wondering what the name is for a piece of firewood which one half or piece is red hot burning and the other half is not and you can use the part that is not burning as handle to move it around or to hold it to light up cigarettes or to light up fireworks.

Can someone please tell me? This is a word I would like to add to my English vocabulary.

A little extra information: My native language is Spanish and I'm from El Salvador and here we call those things "tizon" but I can't find a translation for it since that particular word is Spanish slang and the real meaning of it is "smut" which is a disease for vegetables.

I would appreciate any help figuring this out.

Best Answer

a firebrand

  1. A piece of burning wood, especially one used as a torch or to ignite something.

Example sentence:

1962 C. M. Turnbull Forest People viii. 161 Two youths holding glowing firebrands in their hands.

(Oxford English Dictionary)

See also "31" other dictionaries (onelook search)

By the way, Word Reference translates firebrand as tizón as well as other words.

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