Learn English – What kind of preposition should be used before the telephone number


A single-choice exercise:

Please call Gina __ 834-8911.

  • A.in
  • B.of
  • C.at
  • D.for

Why use the preposition "at", can I replace "at" by "on" ?

Best Answer

I think on refers to the medium.

call me on my cellphone and not on my landline.

On the other hand, at refers to that particular thing.

call me at my work OR call me at 3437.33.443

A little more information. But this is my opinion

I think we also use call me on if we have more than one number. This case is true especially the opposite person knows both of your numbers.

"Vicky, bbye. We'll talk later."
"Okay, I'll call you this evening"
"Yeah, but call me on my new number 923.2393.23, the old number I don't use anymore."

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