Learn English – What part of speech is the word “Blessed” in this sentence


This is a well known sentence:

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked

Is the word "Blessed" an adjective or past-participle verb? Or something else?

Best Answer

Copied directly from TRomano's comment that should have been an answer:

It is the past participle of the verb 'bless' used adjectivally in a sentence that employs inversion. The man is blessed... It is a predicate adjective

Inversion just means the sentence order is switched around from what you would normally expect, so the subject is at the end and the predicate is first.

I'll add that in "(blessed) is (the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked)" 'is' is a copula, which makes 'blessed' a predicative expression.

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