Learn English – What tenses to use in writing meeting minutes


I understand that you must use past tense when writing minutes. However, there are some instances when I am not sure if past tense should be used as it would either change the meaning of the sentence or sound weird. Below are some situations which I have trouble with:

When something is in progress / happen in future.

1) The team is checking on the machine. (Should it be: The team was checking on the machine)
2) Checks on the system are being done. (Should it be: Checks on the system was being done)
3) All the members agree to build a new building. The construction of a new building will start February next year (in February Year 2021). (Should it be: All the members agreed to build a new building. The construction of a new building would start February next year)
4) The Sun will rise at 5.20 am every morning in Sydney. (Should it be: The Sun would rise at 5.20 am every morning in Sydney).

When Something is not Certain.
Example :

5) If there are sufficient data to support the efficiency of the new system… (Should it be: If there were sufficient data to support the efficiency of the new system…)
6) If the project is successful… (should it be: If the project was successful)

Best Answer

Tenses in writing meeting minutes purely depend on the nature of the work or job. If the matter is still in effects, you avoid past tense. Say -

System checks were being done ~ System checks are done

Why? Because even at this moment, the check is done.

The team is checking on the machines

...is it still in effect? If yes, you keep ..is checking.

All the members agree to build a new building [sic]. The construction of a new building will start February next year (in February Year 2021)

This can be changed according to the current status. So, you can write -

All the members have agreed upon building a new building. The construction of a new building will start in February 2021

I did not get sun's example here as a meeting minute!

Something uncertain is again probability and putting if is sufficient. And, conditional sentences, in most cases, take simple present tense.

If the project gets successful...

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