Learn English – What to answer to “you’re too kind”


I told a guy I knew that he looks good in a pink shirt. He told me: "Thank you, you're too kind". What is the appropriate English answer in this case?

Also I'm not sure if the guy's answer means that he doesn't believe me or he think otherwise or he just likes the compliment?

Best Answer

"You're too kind" is not meant to be taken literally. It is a hyperbole. Read literally, the person is saying "I do not deserve the amount of kindness you display to me." As an idiom, it means "Thank you for being kind."

If a response is necessary, you might say "It's nothing." This is another hyperbole: you are saying that the kindness you showed was such a small thing as to be nonexistent and not worthy of gratitude. This could be used if the person is thanking you for something that was actually somewhat significant, like a favor you did them.

If all you did was give a compliment about an item of clothing, you do not need to respond at all. Or, if you are trying to convey how truly sincere you are, you could emphasize it by saying something like "It's true, you really are [nice/handsome/pretty/etc]!"