Learn English – What word describes the woman who behaves like the man


I want to know what word could precisely describe the woman who behaves like the man, doing his behavior, moving like him, getting interested in what interests

Best Answer

Under the reasonable assumption that you're talking about women in general and not about any particular woman that you might have in mind as this has been confusing for some people here, the expression that comes closest to what you're looking for and yet is still in common use would probably be tomboy. Although this term normally only applies to young girls whose social behavior is similar to that typically attributed to boys, it can be used in certain situations to describe adult women who in their manners exhibit qualities that are usually associated with grown men.


She has been a tomboy her entire life. She always hangs out with men and enjoys rowdy activities like car riding and drinking beer.

You also might find interesting the Wikipedia page on metrosexuality (metrosexuals are men who enjoy activities that are considered feminine such as shopping, fashion and things like that). Just see what they've got to say about "female metrosexuals" under the subsection female metrosexuality.