Learn English – What would you do if it _____on your wedding day. Rains or rained


I am really confused about this sentence. I just hope I would be helped over here.
I discussed this question with one of my friends who is also an English teacher.

What would you do if it _______on your wedding day.

1 – rains.
2- rained.

I selected the option ( 1 ). My friend told me that you have to use "rained" because "would" is used over here.
After that I shared my remarks with him.
I said to him, "We will use 'rains' because this sentence matches with first conditional sentence. It will be " rains ". I said we can use " would " instead of "will". He asked me the reason. I said it is better to use " would" instead of "will" in present day English. Now, I am actually confused that he is not agreed to my remarks. Let's see how I am being helped here.

Best Answer

What would you do if it rained on your wedding day?

What will you do if it rains on your wedding day?

The first example is a hypothetical, taking the subjunctive verbs would do and rained.

The second is about futurity -- the wedding is already scheduled -- so it takes the future in the main clause and the present indicative in the subordinate clause.

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