Learn English – What’s a neutral/negative word for ‘impress’


I am looking for a verb to describe something giving someone a bad/unpleasant impression, Ex:

Jack was released from prison for almost five years. Someone asked him what was his impression about the prison experience. He replied in dismay, "No decent food, no sunshine, no friend…", "that's what ___(a verb similar with 'impress' but in neutral/negative connotation) me the most about prison experience"

What's the verb for it?

Best Answer

As the comments indicate, "impress" by definition does not always carry a positive connotation. However, as you correctly surmise, "impress" and "impressed" often do carry positive connotations. To use "impress" to indicate something has made an imprint on something else you generally use a preposition.

"I would like to impress upon you," means something entirely different than. "I would like to impress you." That being said, "impression" always means something has made an imprint on something else without positive or negative connotations.

Your sentence can be written, "Those are my impressions of prison."