Learn English – What’s the common usage of the term “innit” in British slang


This question is primarily for Brits, although anyone knowledgeable is welcome to contribute.

Recently I conducted an activity at my school to spread a bit of information about common British slang. I selected the words to be used from a list found at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/british-phrases-english-language-sayings-britain-england-uk-different-a8138046.html

However, it was pointed out that my description may not have been accurate. I used it as an affirmative answer to a question:

Boy: Lovely weather today.

Girl: Innit? (Meaning: "Yes, it is.")

My co-worker informed me that the term most commonly is used as a question tag expecting a positive answer.

Boy: Lovely weather today, innit?

Girl: Right you are!

So, the question is: Can "innit" be used as a response to someone's statement with which you can agree, and are there any other usage notes that would be important to have?

Best Answer

As a Brit I don't agree with David that it is ever used as an answer.

innit is a monosyllabic teenage phrase, where every extra sound is terrible.

Your second example is wrong, somebody who was saying innit would never say "lovely weather", and "right you are" is very old fashioned, so I have corrected your example

Boy: Hot innit?

Grandad in a Yorkshire accent: Right you are!

and your first example, the misspelling is on purpose to give a hint of accent

Mum: Lovely weather today.

Girl: whateva

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