Learn English – What’s the correct term describing the action of sending a brand-new ship out into its first seafaring trip


What's the correct term in English describing the action of sending a brand-new ship out for its first voyage?

For example, if the ship's name is "Elisa", then it would be something like:

Finally, "Elisa" was ____________ yesterday. Her first point of
destination is Calcutta.

Which of the following phrases is correct?

  1. lowered on water
  2. let to sail
  3. launched for sailing
  4. [something else?]

Best Answer

There are three distinct concepts:

  • A ship is launched. At this point the ship is named and the hull enters the water, however the ship is not yet complete, a great deal of work remains.
  • A ship is commissioned. This usually applies to Naval vessels. Prior to this, the hull is fitted out and sea trials are carried out. When the ship is commissioned, it is designated ready for service and the crew formally join the ship.
  • The ship sets off on its first voyage, the maiden voyage

Yesterday, the Elisa set sail on her maiden voyage, her first port of call will be Calcutta.

See this explanation of commissioning

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