Learn English – What’s the difference between “grammatical mistake” and “grammatical error”


What's the difference between "grammatical mistake" and "grammatical error"?

Based on Cambridge dictionary:

Mistake: an action, decision, or judgment that produces an unwanted or unintentional result.

Error: a mistake.

Does it mean that I can use both (grammatical mistake and grammatical error) interchangeably and they are just synonyms or a matter of taste?

The context is for example when I see that there's no an article in a place where it should be (e.g. "He took table." instead "He took a table") or when I see missing of s' in 3rd person singular verb in present simple tense (e.g. "He learn English" instead of "He learns English") etc. and I want to say that it is a grammatical error / mistake.

Google Ngram viewer shows much more results for grammatical error, does it say that it is favorable in my context too?

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Best Answer

Grammatical mistake and grammatical error have no semantic difference. They are used interchangeably. Between the two, grammatical error is much more common. Here's a Google Ngram chart that shows their popularity.

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Note that grammar error and grammar mistake are also used, but are less common than their respective adjectival versions. See below:

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