Learn English – What’s the difference between “take out”, “take from” and “take out from”


Can I always use any of these phrases, or is there a difference ? For example:

  • I took it out of the box.
  • I took it from the box.
  • I took it out from the box.

Best Answer


in and out -> location

to and from -> direction/movement


The monster shredded his chest and took his heart out. (specifies the change in location of his heart)

The monster shredded his chest and took his heart from it (from the chest). (specifies the direction/movement how his heart's location changed)

The monster shredded his chest and took out his heart from it (from the chest). (both location change and indicated direction) -> NOTE: if this is to be constructed the way you did with your 3rd sentence, then it'd be, 'took his heart out from it (his chest)'

Additional Note: If something is taken away from you, then the direction of the change in location of that object is from you to the person who took it. If something was 'taken out' from you, you probably have undergone surgery (something's inside you, and 'twas taken outside(i.e., removed). e.g., appendectomy)