Difference – Difference Between ‘To Remark’ and ‘To Remark On’


  1. The teacher remarked on how quickly the students were learnig.
  2. The teacher remarked how quickly the students were learnig.

No1 is an example sentence of the verb "remark".

If no2 is correct in grammar, what's the difference between the two in meaning?

Best Answer

They are not identical in meaning, though in some cases they will be interchangeable.

To remark something is to state it in a remark. If someone "remarked how blue the sky was", they said something like "gosh, the sky is blue".

To remark on something is to make a remark related to it. If someone "remarked on how blue the sky was", they might have said "gosh, the sky is blue". They might also have said something much more elaborate about how the sky being blue reminds them of some anecdote, or why the sky is blue, or whatever.

In your example, a remark on may well have just been a comment that the students were learning quickly, or it could have been a digression of some sort.

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