Learn English – What’s the meaning of “for” in “the weather forecast is for sun”


The weather forecast is for sun, with intermittent showers.

I gather it wants to say "the weather forecast tells people it's sunny with intermittent showers". But I couldn't understand this part "for sun". I guess 'sun' is the written abbreviation of 'sunny'(though I didn't find this usage in the dictionary). Even if so, what's the meaning of "for" here? Does it mean something like "support"? That's the only meaning I could imagine, though it's weird.

How to explain this part "for sun"?

Best Answer

If for = in support of seems "weird" in this context, try thinking of it as heading for, pointing in the direction of, as in "I'm for bed". But I think it's just as "intuitive" to see OP's example as short for...

The weather forecast is for it (the weather) to be sun/sunny.

Note that there's no real need for a preposition at all in OP's exact context, and semantically it's irrelevant whether it's sun or sunny (both are perfectly valid and commonly used).

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