Learn English – What’s the meaning of “in all of creation”


The following is a passage from this article:

It took them a while, but Applebee’s has finally figured out a way to make eating in its restaurants even less charming. The restaurant chain announced Tuesday its intention to install “100,000 tablet computers in its more than 1,800 locations nationwide by the end of next year.” Soon, there will be tablets on every table and at every bar in every Applebee’s in all of creation, enabling diners to peruse the menu, pay the bill and play games. Chili’s, Uno’s Chicago Grill and California Pizza Kitchen already use similar devices, and plan to roll them out into even more of their own restaurants in the coming year.

What does in all of creation mean said above? I understand what 'create' mean, but I have no idea what creation mean when used in that phrase all together.

Best Answer

“All of creation” refers to all of God's creation, i.e. the whole world, the whole Earth.

cre·a·tion (krē-ā′shən)
     a. The world and all things in it.
     b. All creatures or a class of creatures.

4. The divine act by which, according to various religious and philosophical traditions, the world was brought into existence.
Source: Definition of “creation” on thefreedictionary.com

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