Learn English – What’s the meaning of “snapped” in “she snapped harder than ever”


Who can explain me what is the meaning of this quote “she snapped harder than ever”? I’m Portuguese. I can’t understand what is “snapped”.

Best Answer

Definition by Merriam-Webster:

to give way suddenly under emotional stress or strain

Imagine this...

You're talking with your wife (If you don't have one, imagine you do. Boom! You're no longer single!). You've been making her upset for a while, bit by bit. Now you just said something to make her REALLY angry. That was the last straw. She snaps! She gets SUPER ANGRY and starts yelling at you. You've made her snap several times before, but this time, she gets angrier than ever before. She snapped harder than ever!

So yeah... she just snapped and got really upset and angry after a lot of anger has built up for a while.

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