Learn English – What’s the name for the string attached to a zipper to help close or open a bag


What's the name for the string attached to a zipper to help close or open a bag?

I don't know the name in my native language. Example of use:

I'd like to add xxx on my bag's zippers.


I would like to purchase a bag with xxx.


Best Answer

The bit that you pull on to open or close a zipper is called a pull or a tab. The term can be used for a metal or plastic part that is permanently attached to the body of the zip, or to a piece of string that is looped through the body of the zip, as in the OP's photo.

There is no one term that covers exclusively string tabs that are connected directly to the zip body, however there are numerous phrases that are used to describe string extensions to or replacements for an existing metal or plastic tab.

This NGram graph shows that in American English, pull is about twice as widely used as tab, and that puller hardly registers at all. This Ngram graph shows that in British English, tab is marginally more common than pull, and puller does not occur at all.

Other NGram graphs show that, when used on its own, zip is somewhat more common than zipper in American English and significantly more common in British English. When used in a collocation with tab or pull, however, zipper is very much more more widely used than zip in both AmE and BrE.