Learn English – What’s the name of the characteristic of being “open hearted”


I can not think of any another good phrase to describe the sense, "Open Hearted". This characteristic is like one who does not posses the nature of being stubborn, who has the ability to listen and in certain cases accept others' theories though they can be in opposite of his own theory. A good example would be if a person is capable of admitting if there is some bad customs in his own religion and he does not fall back to admit it in front of others and change the custom in his regular life. What is the name of this characteristic?

Best Answer

The phrase you're looking for is actually "open-minded". When one is open-minded, they're willing to listen to other opinions and, if properly convinced, change their beliefs. The opposite of this would be closed-minded, like when you enter into a discussion with someone and they refuse to hear anything you have to say or change their mind.

"Open-hearted" would be more like someone who is very generous and caring, and is always there to give a helping hand.

Definitions for each:


  1. kindly and warm
  2. disclosing intentions and thoughts clearly; candid


Receptive to new and different ideas or the opinions of others. See Synonyms at broad-minded.

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