Learn English – What’s the opposite of ‘profanity’


Profanity is socially offensive language. What is language free from cursewords. Is there a word to express the opposite concept of profanity? Should I use simply politeness here or is there a more sophisticated word to cover this concept in the following sentences?

[the word] is an important quality which needs to be internalized in children in young age.

Consider [the word] seriously in this place. They won't take it easy in here.

(On a sign in a public place): Please Observe [the word]

Best Answer

propriety Google Dictionary

pro·pri·e·ty p(r)əˈprīədē/ noun

the state or quality of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals. "he always behaved with the utmost propriety"

synonyms: decorum, respectability, decency, correctness, protocol, appropriateness, suitability, good manners, courtesy, politeness, rectitude, morality, civility, modesty, demureness;

the details or rules of behavior conventionally considered to be correct.

plural noun: proprieties

"she's a great one for the proprieties"

the condition of being right, appropriate, or fitting.

"they questioned the propriety of certain investments made by the council"

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