Learn English – What’s the polite way to say “I need to urinate”


What's the polite way in the UK to say "I need to urinate" (both for men and for women)? Or maybe there's no problem with that sentence?

N.b. I'm asking about situations in which I know where it's located but I need to inform the one/s that I'm with, about my leaving at this certain moment.

Best Answer

Excuse me for a moment please

This leaves both purpose and destination unstated, but by making it clear that the absence will be very temporary, does not cause anyone to think that it is a total departure. This will usually be understood sufficiently in context.

There are of course, many euphemisms, some gender specific, some not, some considered more polite than others.

  • I need the small room.
  • I need to powder my nose. (a bit old-fashioned.)
  • I need the lav. (out of date?)
  • You don't buy beer, you rent it. (perhaps too graphic, but less so than "piss").
  • I need the John.

and many many others

Devon's answer reminded me of

When Nature is calling, plain speaking is out,
When ladies, God bless 'em, are milling about,
You make water, wee-wee, or empty the glass;
You can powder your nose; "Excuse me" may pass;
Shake the dew off the lily; see a man 'bout a dog;
Or when everyone's soused, it's condensing the fog,
But be pleased to remember if you would know bliss -
That only in Shakespeare do characters piss!

one stanza from this which i first read in The Lure of the Limerick