Learn English – What’s the right phrase for this situation? yell for, shout for, call someone or whatever


Someone I know is walking across the street. In order to gain her or his attention I called the name loudly. What phrase should I use in this situation? I remembered once a native speaker said like this, "I have to shout for my husband." At that time her husband was downstairs. But I might be wrong, because I cannnot find this expression in any dictionary. I found the phrase "yell for help" but not "yell for someone". Could you tell me which phrase is most appropriate here? Can I also say like, "I called my friend loudly on the street." or "I called my friend's name loudly."?

Best Answer

You can also say

I called to her across the street to get her attention.

I shouted to her to get her attention.

I yelled to her to get her attention.

To shout for someone means to summon them loudly, especially in an urgent situation.

The ladder slipped out from under me. I managed to grab onto the window ledge and had to shout for my son.

Ditto, yell for s.o., call for s.o.