Learn English – What’s the word for “to wish bad for someone”


Example sentence – He wished bad for his girlfriend because she ditched him. I know one word which is curse (a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something) from searching Google, but it sounds too intense and can't be used in routine.

Best Answer

You can use wish ill upon as in I would never wish ill upon anyone, but I hope never to see her again.

The following are informal

If the two parties are in the same place, then one of them can give the other the evil eye. A slightly cruder, less formal expression is giving someone a stink eye. The recipient of the stink eye doesn't necessarily need to know it - it can be given behind their back. If you can't actually see the other person, you'll have to settle for sending them bad vibes.

If you hope someone has bad luck, you could wish bad juju on someone.

If you have a superstition that some small action on your part could bring them bad luck, you can jinx them by performing that act. (West Coast AmE)