Learn English – When a person (child) should cover something in soap


In Russian we have a verb "Намыль", which means take soap (assuming either wet soap or dry soap depending on context) and rub it to have it cover something. What is the equivalent in English?

I thought the word "soap" as a verb would help me out but unfortunately it means "wash with soap" while I needn't include washing.

I can't find the right word or phrase to use in English.

Edit: We mostly use it when we distinguish two actions. When, for example, a person is in a bath tub and asks somebody to cover his body (back or head for instance) in soap he would say this verb.

Best Answer

You are looking for the word "Lather", used as a verb. Often in spoken AmE "up" is included after.

Lather up my back.

If you are talking specifically about soaping someone's hair you would use, "Shampoo".

Would you shampoo my hair, please.

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