Learn English – When can ‘will’ be used instead of ‘would’


Why is 'would' used in the following sentences instead of 'will'?

  1. It would be mistake to beat a child.
  2. I wouldn't care to do her job.
  3. Would it be easy to teach a child?

Can we use 'will' in place of 'would' above? And in which meaning 'would' is used in those examples? In which situation we can replace 'will' and put 'would' instead?

Best Answer

'Will' can be used in each of those examples, but it has a different meaning than 'would'.

'Will' means that the action is going to happen, regardless of it being a mistake (in example 1), or unwanted by the speaker (in example 2) or just because that's what is going to happen (example 3), whereas 'would' suggests that there is a choice, and as things are currently planned, they won't happen (example 3 and perhaps 2), or as things may be planned by someone, they will, but the speaker hopes they will not happen (example 1, and perhaps example 2).

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