Phrase Usage – When Can ‘I’m Afraid That …’ Be Used?


When can you use "I'm afraid that …"? Can you use "I'm afraid that X" interchangeably with "I suspect that X"?

Best Answer

"I'm afraid that" is more commonly used to present a regretful report that something is the case:

I'm afraid that sales aren't as good as we'd hoped.

I'm afraid that we're going to have to Joe go (i.e. "We're going to fire Joe")

"I suspect that" on the other hand is used to postulate possible reasons why something might be the case:

I suspect that sales aren't as good as we'd hoped because Joe hasn't been performing well.

"Suspect" can also be used to postulate that an action is happening at all:

I suspect that Joe is stealing money from the till when we aren't looking.

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