Learn English – When is last Tuesday if it’s Wednesday


If we are in the middle of the week and I want to refer to a day just passed in the same week, such as the case in the title, would I still say, for example, last Tuesday? Or would that mean the Tuesday before the one I mean?

I guess same question would apply for next.

Best Answer

Generally if you say "last Tuesday", people understand you to mean the Tuesday from the preceding calendar week. That is, if today is Wednesday and it is the 15th of the month, "last Tuesday" would mean the 7th.

If you want to refer to the day just past, simply use the name of the day. Like if it is Wednesday and you want to talk about something that happened 2 days ago, you can say, "I did that on Monday." You can also say "this past Monday" to emphasize that you mean 2 days ago and not the previous week or next week.