Learn English – When should I use the word “skies”


What's the difference between "sky" and "skies"?

I'm really confused since I watched a news saying "People cheered and clapped as the moon blocked the sun for about 2.5 minutes under clear skies on the icy Norwegian islands of Svalbard"

Why does it use the word "Skies"? rather than "Sky"?

Thank you!

Best Answer

It's analogous to "water" versus "waters", "land" versus "lands".

The boat floats in water.
They sailed to warmer waters.
They were happy to reach land.
Once ashore, they set off on horseback to visit many lands.

The plural indicates a particularity or difference. The singular indicates the general, undifferentiated idea.

In Oklahoma the sky seems vast.
The angry skies above the moor foretold a storm.

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