Learn English – When someone’s patience threshold is high or low


Imagine you are going to define the limit of your patience threshold in order to define whether they are patient or impatient individuals.

In my mother language, well-educated people say exactly these translated sentences:

  • "I have a high patience threshold." OR "I have a low patience threshold."

I'm quite sure they are not natural in English. How a native speaker would indicate such a message (especially in AmE)?

Best Answer

The runaway favourites for high levels are the patience of a saint and the patience of Job...

enter image description here

Unlike, say, memory, where we can convey both high and low levels by saying someone has the memory of an elephant or the memory of a goldfish, there's no well-established "low patience" usage involving comparison with some animal renowned for being irascible / short-tempered.

One common metaphoric usage for being at the lower end of the "patience scale" is...

To have (or be on) a short fuse - Slang. (to have) a tendency to become angry or irritable:
Synonyms: irascibility, irascibleness, spleen, temper, temperament, tetchiness.

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