Learn English – When to use “bon appetit”


I know that meaning of bon appetit is enjoy your meal, but I want to know when shall I use it?

Like if I am eating and someone else joins me, can I say that?

What if I am leaving the table?

Best Answer

As some of the comments have mentioned, it's not frequently used in English.

I would say that, unless it's being used in a humorous way, the phrase is usually reserved for fine dining settings. In other words, if a bachelor friend of mine was about to eat a bowl of hastily prepared Ramen noodles, or if I was about to eat a hamburger with my nephew at McDonald's, I don't think I'd say "Bon appetit!" – not unless I was trying to be a little humorous.

On the other hand, I might be more inclined to say it more seriously if I had just spent several hours working on a fancy meal. Even then, though, it's not a phrase I would utter very often.

In other words, you can say it, but I'd caution against overusing it.