Learn English – When to use did in a question


I have a dilemma. I know how to use this, but I'm trying to explain it to someone and I can't find a logical explanation.

So here it is:

  1. Who called last night?
  2. Who did you call last night?

Why does the second sentence contain "did" when the first one doesn’t?

Best Answer

Michael Swan explains this clearly in his Practical English Usage (2005.481).

When who, which, what or whose is the subject (or part of the subject), do is not normally used: Compare:

  • Who phoned? (Who is the subject.)
  • Who did you phone? (Who is the object.)

[...] But do can be used after a subject question word for emphasis, to insist on an answer:

  • Well, tell us - what did happen when your father found you?