Learn English – When to use ‘is’ and ‘has’


I have a question about where to use is and has. Examples:

  1. Tea is come or Tea has come
  2. Lunch is ready or Lunch has ready
  3. He is come back or He has come back
  4. She is assigned for work or She has assigned for work

Actually these were the sentences that I came across in the last few days, and everybody uses 'is' but I think 'has' is correct, so I'm just confused about how to differentiate 'is' and 'has'. Can you please help clear my confusion?

Best Answer

Have as you used it, it's the present perfect, where If you use be+-ed you usually form the Passive form.

As you can imagine

is come

doesn't make sense, because that's an active action he does. Instead

Lunch is ready

is ok, because it's something "Lunch" suffers

If you want more detailed information you can check this resource.

I would say:

  1. Tea has come
  2. Lunch is ready
  3. He has come back
  4. She is assigned for work