Learn English – When to use “watch your mouth” & when to use “wash your mouth”


Wash your mouth

Used as a response to an obscene statement, this phrase recalls
unpleasant childhood memories wherein mothers would "wash out" a
child's mouth with soap as a punishment for using curse words or crude

Cristobal: Dude, Jenna was being a total bitch last night. She broke
my goddamn Death Star model. That shit was fucking to scale too.

Geraldo: Hey man, I don't care. Wash your mouth.

watch one's mouth

  1. informal: be careful about what one says.

It seems like they are used in similar situations. But I don't know When to use "watch your mouth" & when to use "wash your mouth"?

In which situations should we use each of them

Best Answer

wash your mouth (out its soap)

can be said to children when they say naughty words and was a form of punishment to "wash" the filth out.

An adult version is

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Your second phrase

watch your mouth
watch your language
watch what you say

can all be used in the same circumstances as "wash you mouth" and is a strong warning not to continue speaking in either the same way or in the same vein about something.

to watchout for what you say