Learn English – When you remind someone, what is the best verb for what you are doing with the reminder? Provide it? Give it? Supply it? Something else


I would like to put the following sentence in a report sent to a customer of mine:

"We would just briefly like to [dispatch] a reminder about [something]."

I cannot come up with the proper/optimal word for the "[dispatch]" part in this sentence though, so my question is: What is the best word(s) to use in this sentence in place of [dispatch]?

It should be both optimally polite and optimally "correct and normal English".

I can NOT use the word "send", because this sentence covers just one topic out of many in this report (rather than being, say, a dedicated email for the topic in question), so "send" doesn't sound right at all in this context in my opinion.

The following are the closest ones I can think of, but none of them sound quite right to me:

"We would just briefly like to give a reminder about ."

"We would just briefly like to provide a reminder about ."

"We would just briefly like to supply a reminder about ."

What are the other (hopefully better) alternative words?

No matter if other complete rephrasings/reformulations of the entire sentence may be more elegant or good (which I'm sure there are a bunch, and I am thankful to the people who have already pointed this out!), the question is still about which verbs that can be best used together with the noun "reminder", to convey that the reminder is being "delivered". The reason for keeping the question specific to this word is that I could not think of, nor google up, any such word, and it got me curious.

Best Answer

In this context, a "reminder" is a type of message, as is an invitation, a bill or a summons. If you remember this then it will be clear that, in the text of the reminder, you should use give. Referring to something you are likely to do in the future, send may be better.

To Bill:

  • Have you billed him?
  • No, I'll give him his bill now.
  • I'm here to give you your bill.

To Invite:

  • Have you invited him?
  • No I'll give him his invitation now.

To Remind:

  • Have you reminded him?
  • No, I'll give him his reminder now.
  • I'll send you a reminder later.
  • This note is to remind you that...
  • Hi! Just giving you that reminder I promised. Hope all is OK. Best etc.

You can of course also send, supply, provide or do any of the other things you do with messages, if it is appropriate to do so.

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