Learn English – When you’re having a cat nap and a bad car accident happens


Imagine yourself in a road where the driver is your friend and your are sitting in assistant seat. You feel a bit tired and are catching some Z's. Suddenly a car accident happens and you notice it, but because of a shocking blow you become unconscious. When you come to, someone is going to find out what happened because your friend is unconscious yet. Which one of the following self-made sentences sounds more idiomatic and natural in this sense? If no one is natural, please let me know what would a native speaker would say in this situation:

  • I was catching some Z’s that the accident happened abruptly.

  • I was having a cat nap that the accident happened abruptly.

Best Answer

Abruptly is redundant in both sentences since "accidents" are usually abrupt.

What you are trying to say is

I was taking a nap when the accident happened.
I was asleep when the accident happened

So either "catching some z's" or "having a cat nap" could be used since both are equivalent phrases to "taking a nap". The choice is stylistic.

(source: dailymail.co.uk)

carcolepsy                                                         nap(ping) cat