Learn English – “Where” as a relative pronoun


I came across this sentence when reading a blog:

"My aspiration is to have a fulfilling life where, when i am 60 years old, i can look back and feel happy about the richness of it all."

It seems to me where is used as a relative pronoun in the sentence, and probably due to my poor Googling skills, I couldn't find any detailed explanations on the usage of where as a relative pronoun. Could anyone give me some examples?

Best Answer

"Where" is used to introduce a relative clause that describes a certain situation (so you are, in a way, "in" a situation, though not in a physical, literal place).


"I have this condition where my ovaries don't work anymore and I'm not that interested in sex"

"Mental health plays a big role in this feeling where you get stuck thinking ‘I don’t think this is for me,’..."

This might have something to do with how, in English, an emotional state or a situation can be described as a "place" from which one is coming.


— She decided to come from a place of love when dealing with herself and everyone else. (source)

— Whenever I work with clients, my aim is to get them to a place of acceptance – or neutrality – around their body.] (source)

— This was a hard period in my life, but I'm in a better place now. (I feel better, more confident, etc.)

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