Learn English – Where to use too much and very much in a sentence


Which one of the following is correct?

  1. The house is very good but too much small to accommodate the full family.

  2. The house is very good but too small to accommodate the full family.

  3. The house is very good but very much small to accommodate the full family.

Please note: Here small is an adjective , which is describing the house or small can be considered noun here.

Best Answer

The question here is the difference between very and too. See those examples so you can understand:

  • That tree is very big
  • She sings very beautifully

But we use VERY/TOO MUCH before comparatives

  • He is very much taller than his brother (positive idea)
  • This is too much more expensive, I can't buy it (negative idea)


(+ noun) I don't have very much money [but "very much" with nouns is not common, see note 2 below] He drank too much gin tonic at the party (+ verb) I think you work very much / too much

Remember that we don't normally separate a transitive verb from its direct object, and this is especially true for VERY/TOO MUCH:

  • I like your house very much
  • I very much like your house not: I like very much your house (like + your house) For that reason the sentences that you are presenting above are wrong, the correct answer is The house is very good but it is too small to accommodate the full family.
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