Learn English – ‘which are in stark contrast to’ or just ‘in stark contrast to’


Those clerics, who often have views on life which are in stark contrast to the Belgian lifestyle, have been provoking identity crises in many immigrant youths, making them vulnerable for radicalization.

I was wondering if the sentence above is correct. I'm not so sure about the two parts in italic. Is it better to say "Those clerics, who often have views on life in stark contrast to the Belgian lifestyle…"
and to provoke a crisis? would a native English speaker say that?

Best Answer

...views on life which are in stark contrast to...

Which is a relative pronoun. Under some circumstances, it is permissible to omit the relative pronoun (and the be-verb), though the sentence is usually clearer if it is included.

...provoking identity crises...

Unlike a regular crisis, an identity crisis is a psychological phenomenon: a ​feeling of being ​uncertain about who or what you are.

A cleric who proposes a lifestyle that is different to that in which you were brought up, might provoke an identity crisis.

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