Grammaticality – Which is More Formal: ‘Bit Urgent’ or ‘Urgent’?


When I am writing a formal email, let's say I wanted to let someone know that it is urgent but not extremely urgent. So what is a formal way of telling my boss:

If you sees this message, please reply, it is a bit urgent.


If you sees this message, please reply, it is urgent.

Best Answer

Your two examples don't really differ in degree of formality, but they certainly differ in meaning.

"it is a bit urgent" is not great grammar, so actually comes off as slightly less formal, but because you said "a bit" you have made it seem less urgent than simply "it is urgent."

This sort of thing is often as much about how the recipient interprets your words, as the actual choice of qualifier - if you are in the habit of 'getting overexcited' then saying that something is only slightly urgent may make it seem unimportant, whereas if your writing is normally a little restrained, then any mention of urgency may be enough.