Learn English – Which of the following word is matched to the sentence


I have a question with 4 options, I would like to know if what I chose is correct.

"The lecture was so that almost everyone fell asleep."

1) bored
2) dull
3) exhausted
4) tired

I chose option number 2 (dull), because all the rest are make the verbs passive and then they can not cause to active action of felling asleep. My choosing is correct?

Best Answer

A lecture can not be


since a lecture is not animate.

A lecture might be

the lecture was exhausted
the possibilities were exhausted

which might mean it has come to its end, but

so exhausted

is not possible since this might describe the physical state of a lecture.

The lecture was so dull that almost everyone fell asleep.
The lecture was so boring...
The lecture was so exhausting...
The lecture was so tiring...

The students were so bored that almost everyone fell asleep.
The students were so tired...
The students were so exhausted...

are all possible and correct.

The students were so dull that almost everyone fell asleep.

though grammatically correct, may not make sense logically.

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