Learn English – Which one is correct in “How to …”? VS “How to …”


I have just been edited my post sentence by someone.
The original sentence is like "If he right, would please let me know more and exactly how can I suppose to use that?"
And edited sentence is like this "If the answer given to me is right, could someone please let me know more exactly how I can use breakpoints in Makefile?"

I have some question about which one is correct sentence?

1.How can I use that ~ .
2.How I can use that ~ .

Best Answer

I did not get your question fully, but I think you are confused with the structure of a question - How can I Vs. How I can. I'm answering that way.

When asking a question, the pronouns should be followed by an (auxiliary) verb. So, the structure in general is - What/How/Which etc. + verb + pronoun

A simple example is -

What can you do for me?

If you reverse the order, the phrase remains a sentence and not a question.

What you can do for me is unknown.

The latter sentence is not a question.

So, in your case,

How can I use [something]? forms a question


How I can use [something] forms a sentence.

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