Learn English – Which one is correct word? People or People’s


Which word is correct and what is the difference between these words?

  • People

  • People's

I heard somebody say, "People's does not work in a sentence. People means a group of humans. Why would you make the word plural again?"

Best Answer

People is a collective noun. When we talk about a specific group of people, we consider it as singular and therefore, no need to add s.

Peoples is used when we talk about two or more different ethnic groups. For example, "All the 14 distinct peoples (native groups) of the continent were part of the survey".

Whereas People's is not the plural form. The apostrophe ('s) is used to indicate possession.

The box is mine.
The box is hers.
The box is theirs.
The box is my family's.
The box is the people's. (The box belongs to the people.)

Likewise, the People's President means the President of the People.