Learn English – Which preposition should one use: for, with, in, or by


  1. If one needs to say that the product may be purchased in a certain currency, which preposition should he use?

The product may be purchased (in | for | with | by) U.S. dollars.

  1. If one needs to say that the product may be purchased for a certain amount of money, which preposition should he use?

The product may be purchased (in | for | with | by) 40 dollars.

Best Answer

The product may be purchased in U.S. dollars.

In my opinion ... when you say this, the implication is the seller accepts currencies other than U.S. dollars, and there may be a possibility the seller would convert the currency for you - i.e. the sentence is short for "The product may be purchased in an amount of U.S. dollars."

The product may be purchased for U.S. dollars.

Doesn't make sense. Purchasing means you get something in exchange for money, it doesn't make sense to get money in exchange for something (that's selling, not purchasing).

The product may be purchased with U.S. dollars.

This would be the typical way to say this. The implication is that the seller requires you to have U.S. dollars, otherwise he/she won't sell it.

The product may be purchased by U.S. dollars.

Doesn't make sense. It sounds like you are saying the U.S. dollars themselves are doing the purchasing.

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