Learn English – Which verb form to use after “had better do that it


What is the right verb form for "had better" sentences? For example:

  1. She had better remember that she has to leave the city soon.

  2. She had better remember that she have to leave the city soon (subjunctive).

  3. She had better remember that she had to leave the city soon.


Best Answer

had better takes the base form (infinitive without to).

The construction had better remember is correct. The subjunctive is not required. It's enough to say:

She had better remember that she has to leave the city soon.

Replacing has by had shows no coherence with the first part since the construction had better takes the base form and not the past simple form of the verb.

Regarding OP's comment: had better is used to give advice or warning. Even though had is the past simple of have, the expression had better allows to give advice about the present or future.
Its negative form is had better not. (NOT had not better.)

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