Learn English – Which word to describe a person who agrees with anything


Like, in an old joke:

Joe and Jack sue each other.
Joe: Sir, Jack let his cows destroy my field. He has to pay me!
Judge: You're right!
Jack: Yes, but I have no other way since the only road had been blocked, I need to go across his land to have grass for my cows, or else my family could be hungry to death.
Judge: You're right!
Then a serving lady comes across and says: But they cannot be right at the same time!
Judge: You're right too!

Then judge is he who agrees with both ideas, even though they contradict to each other. In general, which word to describe a person who agrees with every opinion? Those who may agree with an opinion, then when hearing another opinion they also think it's right.

This word should be of disapproving connotation.
In Vietnamese, which is my mother tongue, there's at least one word to call them. The most common one is "ba phai", which is the same as "three rights", that's mean all of the opinions are right from their view.
Please help me to find the word. Thank you.

Best Answer

Yes-man is the word that's very common used for the person who agrees to anything someone says.