Learn English – while V+ed VS while V+ing


What is the difference :

  1. While I cleaned the car, my wife was preparing lunch.

  2. While I was cleaning the car, my wife was preparing lunch.

The first example come from :http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/grammar/learnit/learnitv294.shtml
enter image description here

The second example come from my mind .

Best Answer

The only real difference is that in the first line you use the past continuous tense while in the second line you use the past tense to describe your actions with the car. The wife part is unchanged.

In general the past continuous is used to describe something that happened in the past but is still ongoing. This mostly only affects the flow of the following sentence. In some situations either will work fine but in others you may have an issue.

As was cleaning the car she prepared lunch.

The implication is that the wife completed the task while you were in the process of cleaning the car.

As I cleaned the car she prepared lunch.

Here there is no implication of who finished the task first or at what point in time the following sentence takes place, just that both things were happening at the same time.

Now follow that with something like:

When I finished I helped her prepare lunch.

It only works if she did not finish her task while yours was ongoing.

That is about the crux of it. "ed" denotes the end of something while "was - ing" denotes the task in progress. Both sentences are grammatically correct but they do have a slightly different meaning.

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