Learn English – Who are you to say otherwise


The following quote from Inception movie I'm trying to understand:

Eames: They come here every day to sleep?

Elderly Bald Man: [towards
Cobb] No. They come to be woken up. The dream has become their
reality. Who are you to say otherwise, son?

I emphasized a sentence I'd like to understand. What one means there?

Best Answer

The question Who are you to VERB (or Who {am I/are we/is X} to VERB) is a challenge to produce credentials which demonstrate that you have the right or the authority to VERB.

In practice it usuallly amounts to a denial that you have such right or authority and a demand that you desist from VERBing. In the present case, instance, the Elderly Bald Man expects the notion that dreams can serve as reality to be mocked, and he says this to prevent any such mockery.

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