Learn English – Why does “if it weren’t for XXX” mean “if XXX didn’t exist”


How has "if it weren't for" got the meaning of

use this when you would do something different if a particular situation did not exist now

(the definition of "if it weren't for" in LDOCE) ?


If we take "it" as "the situation" and "for" as "because of" as suggested by athlonusm, "if it weren't for XXX" will mean "if the reason for it isn't XXX even though I know it is in reality". Then for example

If it weren't for music, world would be a dull place.

will mean

If the reason for it isn't music even though I know it is in reality, world would be a dull place.

It sounds illogical, doesn't it?

Since the answers posted so far are explaining mainly what the subjunctive mood is, I have to emphasize that I know the basic meaning and usage of subjunctive "were".

I wanted to show using the above example about music that its current meaning is beyond its literal meaning. I suppose that there is a historic reason for it to have the current meaning. I want to know that.

Best Answer

This is simply a subjunctive construction consisting of "if", "it," "were not", and "for".

One of the uses of the subjunctive is to deal with an irrealis situation - the things referred to are not happening as the speaker is talking.

If I were you, I would have noticed that.

It is recommended that he take two pills a day.

The public supports the motion that they be freed.

If it weren't for that mistake we might have finished the project on time.

John recommended that he try out for the team.

http://www.englishpage.com/minitutorials/subjunctive.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_subjunctive