Learn English – Why does Richard Stallman refer to random strangers with feminine pronouns


For those of you who don't know Richard Stallman, he's the founder of the Free Software Foundation and the father of the Free Software movement in general.

I read a lot of his writings, as well as watch his videos, I even had the pleasure to attend one of his speeches about a month ago. There's one thing I noticed: whenever he mentions someone else without specifying the gender, he always uses the feminine pronouns.

Explicit examples are not easy to search for, I'm posting them as soon as possible:

I thought of a few possible ways to explain it:

  • it's a contracted version of "he/she" or "s/he" (however he seems to be the only one who uses it)
  • there's some grammar construct I'm not aware of, similar to the feminine third person in Italian (again, I don't know of anybody else using it in English).

Is he just using some polite version?

Best Answer

There is a concerted effort underway in the US and possibly elsewhere to eliminate sexism in language. In most books written more than twenty years ago, say, the masculine pronoun will be chosen.

The reader, when he encounters such an image, ......

For a while it was s/he.

Now one often finds she promoted to the place formerly occupied by (sexist) he. A sexist solution to sexism.