Pronunciation – Why Is the in ‘Posthumous’ Pronounced as (/t?/)?


I have always pronounced the th in "posthumous" as if it was the "th" in think (/θ/), but when I searched itd it was actually the ch /tʃ/:

  • UK: /ˈpɒs.ə.məs/
  • US: /ˈpɑːs.ə.məs/

I found a language log discussion, but it has not explained it.

Best Answer


The reason why the ⟨th⟩ in posthumous is pronounced /t͡ʃ/ (ch) is the coalescence/assimilation1 of the t and the following u.


'Posthumous' is made up of the prefix post- and humous. Post ends in a /t/ and the ⟨h⟩ in humous is silent so it starts with a u which is basically /juː/ (the same as the u in 'cue'). We could say that humous starts with a glide /j/.

  • post + (h)umous

the letter u is /juː/:

  • pos/t/ + /juː/mous

In fact, Lexico gives /ˈpɒstjʊməs/ for posthumous i.e. /t/ + /j/.

You might have noticed that when a /t/ comes before a /j/, there's a tendency to assimilate them to /t͡ʃ/ ('ch' as in chip). The /t/ is normally articulated at the alveolar ridge, but when it comes before a /j/ (which is articulated further back in the mouth—at the hard palate), it's usually pronounced /t͡ʃ/. What happens here is that the /t/ is articulated further back in the mouth in anticipation of the following /j/, so it becomes /t͡ʃ/ i.e. they coalesce/assimilate to a /t͡ʃ/:

  • pos /t͡ʃuː/ mous

That's where the /t͡ʃ/ came from. The same goes for the tu in nature (na/t͡ʃ/re).

1. Assimilation is a process that makes nearby sounds more similar to each other. The kind of assimilation in posthumous is called 'coalescent assimilation'. The following sounds often coalesce:

  • /t/ and /j/ coalesce to /t͡ʃ/ (as in posthumous)
  • /d/ and /j/ coalesce to /d͡ʒ/ (as in education)
  • /s/ and /j/ coalesce to /ʃ/ (bless you is sometimes pronounced bleshoo)
  • /z/ and /j/ coalesce to /ʒ/ (as in vision)

/t/ is the T in time
/j/ is the Y in you
/t͡ʃ/ is the CH in chin
/d͡ʒ/ is the J in join
/ʃ/ is the SH in ship
/ʒ/ at the end of massage

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