Learn English – Why is the letter S of the word “sure” – pronounced as “sh”


Why is the letter S in the word "sure" is pronounced as "sh"?

If we compare most of the words in English (for instance: surface, surname, sum, sir, soup, sun etc.) then we can easily see that the pronunciation of "sure" is an exception.

Best Answer

Very interesting question, the reason is in the etymological evolution of spelling and pronunciation of terms and vowels with a French origin.

Here is an extract from The oddest English spellings, part 18: Why sure and sugar? by linguist and etymologist Anatoly Liberman:

  • The vowel occurring in French sure was alien to most Middle English dialects, including the dialect of London, and, as the name of the modern English letter U shows, yu replaced French u in borrowed words.

  • We can observe this substitution even in such a recent loanword as menu (and compare nubile and other nu- words). Once sure appeared in English, it turned into syure, and a similar change happened in sugar (syugar).

  • Later, syu– developed into sh– (compare bless you, session, and Asia, regardless of whether you have a voiced or a voiceless middle in the last of them, for the voicing is secondary).

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